Welcome Parents & Guardians

As a parent myself, I recognize the monumental task of raising a young person!
It's messy, sometimes chaotic, and yet so incredibly rewarding! Granted, we don't always know what we're doing, and sometimes we find ourselves declaring one of two things: "What did my parents do?" or "I'll never do what my parents did!" And that's okay. Why? Because we're really all in this together. I'm here for you and I'm here for your student. Together, we'll help them realize their potential and give them the life skills they need to graduate and succeed in the real world.
This process will look different for each student as their goals are developed and they forge through different experiences. Their success, however, requires partnership from you and from me. I'll do my best to communicate with you often, whether through email, flyers home, or phone calls. I will also keep this website updated with relevant information for you to receive any time of day. Below are some links that may prove helpful and informative.
It's a privilege to be your student's teacher. It's been a life-long dream of mine to teach and I don't take this role lightly. So, if there's anything you feel would help me connect with and teach your student even better, I welcome your insight!
Ms. Misty Maina
Please reach out
to me with any questions or
concerns you
may have