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Welcome Students

Learning is a process of being involved. My goal is not to cram as many facts in your head as possible! My goal is to get you involved. When you step into my classroom, you are an active learner, and I will do my best to activate you. What does this mean? It means that I will ask lots of questions and show you how to ask questions too. It means that I want to hear your voice, whether that's on paper, in discussion, through an email, on a video, and any medium we use to communicate. It also means that we're in this together. We'll learn together, explore new ideas together, make mistakes together, and succeed together. Through this, you will become co-creators of your knowledge (instead of consumers), and when that happens, your learning will be alive!

It's a privilege to be your teacher, to be your activator!


~Ms. Maina~

Student Connections

Girls Studying
Book List

What we're reading this year

Image by Thought Catalog
Awesome Reads

Books I recommend to explore

Helpful Links


Google Classroom,

and many more!

Graduation Caps
School Resources

Link to our school's website, calendar, etc.

Join the conversation!

Click on the icon to access

UpLift - our student/teacher blog!

Cute Puppy

Your Name Here!

This Week's Poet

Poetry will be a part of our year together. This is a spot to showcase student poetry and get inspired to continue composing!

Puppy in Red Cushion

Your Name Here!

This Week's Craft Extraordinaire

Learning the Writer's Craft will be a main focus for us. This spot will highlight some creative crafting from our fellow writers!

Three Big Puppies

You Name Here!

This Week's Learning Advocate

Working together and being compassionate to fellow classmates is HUGE in my class. This spot will highlight student's that advocate for other's learning!


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